1. All the material on this site (video, audio, text, images, etc.) is protected by Italian and European copyright laws.<\/div>\n
2. You may not download, copy, archive, reproduce, transmit, or distribute any material on this site in any way without our prior written consent.<\/div>\n
3. All brand names, products, logos, and trademarks appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners.<\/div>\n
4. Users must not reproduce, download, archive on any medium, distribute, transmit, retransmit, or manipulate any text other than for research or private study purposes.<\/div>\n
5. All photos, stories, and portfolios appearing, mentioned, or reported on this site are true and authentic.\u00a0It may happen, however, for promotional reasons, that some of the material may be fictional, but in compliance with all Italian and European regulations on consumers and on advertising.<\/div>\n
6. After offering our services, we reserve the right to use and publish material related to your event (photos, videos, text, stories, etc.) in our \u201cwedding\u201d section and to generally promote the business through advertising, advertising material, websites, exhibitions, competitions, fairs, articles and magazines and other means of communication, provided that the images are used lawfully and without harm to the client unless clearly expressed by another agreement. However, we will not publish or use your personal information such as full name, residential address, or telephone numbers.<\/div>\n
7. It is expressly agreed that the material may be used on Facebook, Twitter, and\/or other social media, forums, as desired, and that customers\u2019 material may be tagged, or otherwise identified unless otherwise agreed in writing.
<\/strong><\/strong><\/strong><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/strong><\/div>\n<\/strong><\/div>\n<\/strong><\/div>\nSpecial offers<\/strong><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
1. An offer or promotion may have different terms and conditions, for which the customer will be informed before using this offer or promotion.<\/div>\n
<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\nAllowance<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n1. Under these terms and conditions the user expressly agrees to indemnify \u201cproposalitaly.com\u201d, its officers, staff, suppliers, third-party suppliers, and other partners from and against all possible claims relating to any breach of these terms and conditions on your part. Such indemnities include, (but are not limited to) all legal and other costs, any expenses, damages, or agreements resulting from the violation of these terms and conditions. They also include any liability, expense, and damage arising from claims arising from any material posted or transmitted in any way through the \u201cprincessapulia.com\u201d website, including (among others) claims for intellectual property rights or defamation.<\/div>\n
2. We will not be held responsible for any damages, expenses or arrangements that occur<\/p>\n
a. unforeseeable events, force majeure, wars, socio-political events, events outside the sphere of our responsibility;
b. from misinformation or orders given by you (i.e. day\/time of the event, number of guests, etc.). In the event that any of the above occurs, it will be deemed that we have fulfilled our contractual obligations and that you are obligated to pay for the services rendered.\u00a0<\/span>For the reasons stated above, we strongly recommend that you insure your event against this type of accident.<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>\n3. We are obligated to provide the agreed services with the agreed specifications on the agreed day and time.<\/div>\n
<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\nLimitation of Liability and Disclaimer<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n1. \u201cproposalitaly.com\u201d does not guarantee the accuracy, availability, completeness, and performance for a particular purpose of this website or any part of this website.<\/div>\n
2. \u201cproposalitaly.com\u201d does not guarantee that this website is virus-free and is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage of any kind arising from any type of use or the inability to use this website. The uses of this website would not be provided without the limitations mentioned above. Wherever on this website there are advertisements or external links to third-party web pages, it is clear that these third web pages are solely responsible for their own content.<\/div>\n
3. \u201cproposalitaly.com\u201d does not express or in any way imply any guarantee for the information and services provided by this site. \u201cproposalitaly.com\u201d will not be liable for any acts of negligence of cooperating third parties who operate or are connected in whole or in part to our agreed services.<\/div>\n
<\/strong><\/span><\/div>\nPayment terms and booking fees<\/strong><\/span><\/div>\n<\/strong><\/span><\/div>\n1. Each offer is valid only for 7 (seven) days unless otherwise agreed;<\/div>\n
\u00a0 \u00a0a. An agreement begins with the return to Proposal in Italy of a signed quote and with the payment of the deposit;<\/div>\n
\u00a0 \u00a0b. In the case of an agreement with several clients, they will be jointly and severally liable for all the obligations deriving from the agreement.<\/div>\n
2 . We only accept Euro currency. Payments in other currencies or goods will not be considered as payments and will be returned unless expressly agreed otherwise;<\/div>\n
3. All payments made, whether through an internet \/ electronic funds transfer or in cash, must be free of commissions and bank charges, otherwise these costs will be charged to the customer and will be added to the final account returned by Proposal in Italy;<\/div>\n
4. The quote\/agreement amount will be paid in full upon acceptance and signing of the quote;<\/div>\n
5. The amount of the quote\/agreement cannot be exchanged for other services or products. If the event date changes and Proposal in Italy is not available to attend the new date, the booking right is forfeited;<\/div>\n
6. In case of late payments as agreed between the parties, Proposal in Italy reserves the right to deny the provision of its services or to withdraw from the contract, withholding payments already made. In addition, the provisions of \u201cIndemnity\u201d (see above) will also apply in this case;<\/div>\n
7. In the event that after the signing of the contract, there are new costs originating from new services that you have requested from us and there is no new further agreement on these costs, you will be informed of the exact amount and date of payment and you will be asked for your consent. All existing terms and conditions of the main contract will also apply there.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\nWaiver<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n1. If in any case or for any reason Proposal in Italy does not make use of the rights deriving from the contract or from the applicable law, this does not mean that Proposal in Italy waives these rights.<\/div>\n
2. For the best delivery of your service, if and every time you believe that your rights deriving from the law or from this contract have been violated, you must declare it as soon as possible.\u00a0Otherwise, you will be deemed to waive this right and no compensation or refund will be required.<\/p>\n
<\/strong><\/span><\/div>\nValidity and contractual capacity<\/strong><\/span><\/div>\n<\/strong><\/span><\/div>\n1. By agreeing to these terms, you represent that you are at least 18 years old and have full contractual capacity under applicable law.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\nClient participation and provision of information<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n1. The client is responsible for providing all information and arrangements regarding the event to Proposal in Italy if he needs these documents to carry out his job correctly;<\/div>\n
2. The customer is responsible for informing Proposal in Italy directly in the event of changes and new circumstances that could affect the work of proposalitaly.com;<\/div>\n
3. The customer is responsible for providing correct and complete information, even if this information comes from third-party suppliers. Proposal in Italy will not be responsible for any errors or damages caused by the use of incomplete or incorrect information provided;<\/div>\n
4. The customer will always answer questions within a reasonable time to avoid delays in planning;<\/div>\n
5. If the customer does not provide complete and correct information, even after having requested it several times, Proposal in Italy has the right to cancel the contract;<\/div>\n
6. During the event the client will provide a healthy meal for Proposal in Italy and also for any assistants (if booked).<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\nDuration<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n1. The duration of this contract ends when \u201cProposal in Italy\u201d has provided all the agreed services by the day on which it was agreed.<\/div>\n
<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\nWithdrawal from the contract<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n<\/span><\/strong><\/div>\n1. You have the right to withdraw from the contract within 7 calendar days from the day following the date on which you signed the contract. To do this you can send us a declared declaration by e-mail or fax. After the withdrawal, we will return your money within the next 7 days from the day you received this statement, by the same means of payment (check or bank account) unless we agree otherwise.<\/div>\n
2. You fully understand and agree that you cannot terminate the contract if we have already begun to provide the services with your prior consent or knowledge.\u00a0Furthermore, it is not possible to withdraw from a contract that includes the supply of customized products by us or an affiliated third party.\u00a0Completed payments are non-refundable and Princess Apulia has the right to request an extra amount depending on the services offered up to that point.<\/p>\n
<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\nRefund of Consultancy<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n1. Within 24 hours after the consultation you have the right to request a refund of the full amount and retain all bonuses. After 24 hours you will not be entitled to any refund.<\/p>\n
<\/strong><\/p>\nInterpretation and applicable law<\/strong><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
1. You expressly accept that these terms and conditions are interpreted by Italian law.\u00a0The applicable law for any dispute arising from these terms and conditions, contract or other relationship between you and our company is Italian law.<\/div>\n
2. These terms and conditions and any other terms and conditions related to them, must be interpreted and interpreted independently. If any part of this agreement is found to be held invalid by applicable law, the other terms will be deemed valid and will not affect the remainder.<\/div>\n